The surf hut over the road from Vazon is a fantastic resource for club members who need to store equipment near the beach but we do need to look after it and learn how to use it correctly so that it doesn’t fall into disrepair. Please can we adhere to the following hut rules:


Keep the combination secret and don’t allow non members into the hut.

Padlock usage

Handle the padlock carefully and never be too rough with it (We have spent over £80 on 3 padlocks since June due to misuse and sand in the workings). Always leave the padlock hanging on the handle and do not leave it on the ground/sand or grass as it gets ruined when sand gets inside the moveable parts.


Things are bit better lately so thank you for that but they are not perfect so please take any litter, all bits of clothing, towels, wet wet suits, broken old board bags,cycles etc home with you.

Shed usage

This might be a contentious issue but please remember this is not really a changing room or bike shed, it is a board store – there is just not sufficient space. Sadly, neither is it somewhere to ‘hang out’ as it is on private land so please collect your board, lock up the hut, and leave your clothes, bikes etc over the road (Against the wall on the tarmac area with railings overlooking T’Other side at the south side of the car park and maybe bring a bin sack to keep clothes dry.) In exceptional circumstances aspects of this rule may be temporarily waived.e.g if it is raining heavily then leave your clothes in a neat pile in the hut or similarly leave your bike if you have a puncture etc.

Label Equipment

Label your equipment with a waterproof pen. Include your name and telephone number.

Lock up

Never leave the door unlocked and open whilst surfing or at any time… last man locks up. Remember you can text/call me if there is a problem with locks etc.

Equipment usage

Never borrow others equipment without permission ( including leashes , fins etc) and treat others equipment with care and respect


Wrap your leash around the tail of the board rather than leave it trailing on the floor or hanging down from a rack as this impedes everyone.

Call or text Kevin on 07781 421975 if there is a problem of any sort and we will do our best to sort it out promptly.