1.  1.          NAME
    1. The name of the Federation shall be known as the Channel Island Surfing Federation (hereinafter called the CISF).
    2. The geographical area of the CISF shall be the whole of the Channel Islands (British)
  1. 2.          DEFINITION
    1. The Sport of Surfing is defined as those sporting activities, undertaken individually or collectively, taking place within the surf line but excluding those activities that incorporate the use of paddles, sails or motor power.
  1. 3.          AIMS
    1. To promote, maintain, improve and advance the Sport and encourage friendly and sportsmanlike co-operation among its members in the interests thereof.
    2. To represent the interests of Channel Island Surfers both in the Channel Islands, Britain and abroad.
    3. To gain standing for the Sport and establish rules and regulations governing Channel Island Competitions and Exhibitions for the Sport and to enforce their application.
    4. To seek and obtain registration, affiliation or membership to such other Regional, National, European and International bodies that may help the CISF carry out its aims and objectives.
    5. To co-ordinate the activities of Channel Island Surfing Associations and other bodies by providing a forum for arranging and organising the Channel Island Surfing calendar within the National, European and International rules and calendar.
    6. To organise a closed annual amateur Channel Island Championship under the aegis of the CISF with the categories, dates and venues being mutually agreed by the 31st January of that year.
    7. To ensure that the CISF is represented at the European Championships when requested by the European Surfing Federation (hereinafter called the ESF).
    8. To maintain all useful relationships with other National, European and International Surfing organisations.
    9. To maintain registration as a member of the ESF and other appropriate National and International bodies to enable the CISF to be represented in all related matters.
    10. To control entrants in all Channel Island Events of the Sport who claim to represent Guernsey or Jersey Bailiwicks and to maintain satisfactory standards.
    11. To promote and receive sponsors and or patrons for all Channel Island, National, European or International championships, contests or exhibitions and to do all or any of the foregoing in any part of the World as principals agents, contractors or otherwise either alone or with others.
    12. To make available to its members and affiliated members through their Clubs and Associations, Public Liability Insurance and to encourage all surfers to comply with local legislation within their respective Islands.
    13. To liaise with the Sports Committees in both Islands to maximise the benefit for the Sport.
  1. 4.          JURISDICTION
    1. The laws and/or rules and/or regulations of the CISF shall be binding on all Channel Island Surfing Associations which are affiliated to the CISF when participating in CISF Events.  Every Channel Island Surfing Association or other body shall however be autonomous having exclusive control of its members funds and property either through trustees or otherwise and shall be managed by its own committee and office bearers in such manner as it may deem fit.
    2. The CISF shall have the right through its Executive Committee to take disciplinary action against any Association, body or person referred to in paragraph a. hereof as the Executive shall in its sole and unfettered discretion deem for the purpose of enforcing the law and/or rules and /or regulations of the CISF.
  1. 5.          MEMBERSHIP
    1. The members of the CISF shall consist of recognised Channel Island Surfing Associations and Clubs or other bodies which may have been accepted by the Executive Committee of the CISF and whose name appears in the CISF register of members.
    2. Eligibility requires a Federation or Association to provide the following:-
  2. (i)       An undertaking from the applicant, Association or Federation that they will conform to and accept the CISF rules and decisions.
  3. (ii)      Such other information as the Executive Committee of the CISF may require from time to time.
  4. Rights of membership are lost by
  5. (i)       The withdrawal of the Association or Federation in accordance with its own statutes.
  6. (ii)      A decision taken by the Executive Committee of the CISF for failure to contribute to the workings of the CISF. The President of the Association or body in question shall be summoned for an explanation of the situation.
  7. Any Association or other body affiliated to the CISF being in default of payment of any liability to the CISF shall be liable to such disciplinary action as the Executive Committee in its sole discretion shall deem including suspension from participation in CISF Events for such period as the Executive Committee shall decide.
  8. The Annual General Meeting may give the title “Honorary Member” to an individual because of his or her dedication to Surfing, proven capability and benefit to the CISF.  Such person must be a member of a CISF Association or other body.  Such membership shall be lost by:-
  9. (i)       Resignation
  10. (ii)      Serious problems occurring where membership may be revoked by the Executive Committee with the member concerned being called for an explanation in his/her defence before being stripped of membership.
  1. 6.          SUBSCRIPTIONS
    1. The terms of membership subscription shall be considered by the Executive Committee on the basis of the needs of the CISF and its members and shall submit recommendations to each AGM for discussion and approval or otherwise.
  1. 7.          MANAGEMENT
    1. The CISF shall be governed and managed by an Executive Committee with between 5 and 10 members comprising the following:-
  2. (i)          A President
  3. (ii)         A Chairman
  4. (iii)        A Secretary
  5. (iv)        A Treasurer
  6. (v)         A Technical Director
  7. (vi)        And up to 6 other members.
  8. There shall be equal numbers of voting Committee members from both Islands (excluding the President)
  9. Each Island shall annually elect their nominated representatives and make them known at the AGM.  The Executive Committee shall decide upon their roles and responsibilities.
  10. Only representatives of CISF member Associations or other member bodies shall be eligible for election to the CISF Executive Committee
  11. Should a vacancy occur on the Executive Committee between elections such a vacancy shall be filled by resolution of the Executive Committee but the balance between the Islands representatives must be maintained.
  12. The conduct of the affairs of the Executive Committee shall be the responsibility of the President and he/she shall take such action as necessary to ensure the efficient functioning of the committee in pursuance of the aims and objectives of the CISF.
  2. Proper books of account will be maintained by the CISF and annual accounts will be prepared and distributed.  Each section of the CISF that may be formed will keep their own books and this will form a special section in the total accounts.  The books will be approved each year by the Committee and biannually at the AGM.
  3. Members of the Executive Committee will not be paid for their work but their expenses will be reimbursed if and when they have been approved by the Executive Committee.  Receipts and statements will be necessary for a claim to be considered.
  4. All books, documents and records of the CISF shall be made available for inspection by affiliated members of the CISF or any person delegated thereto by the Executive Committee at such reasonable times and places as the Committee may specify in writing.
  5. All affiliated Associations or Organisations shall annually forward to the CISF the full name and registered address of their Association, a list of office bearers and the name and address to whom all correspondence shall be addressed.
    1. The legal requirements of the Island of the Secretary and Treasurer must be complied with.
    1. Meetings of the CISF Executive Committee shall be convened at least once a year either in person, by tele-conferencing or some other means accepted by the Committee.  They will be requested by the President of the CISF and 7 days notice shall be given to all members by the Secretary.
    2. The Secretary of the CISF shall keep true and accurate records of the proceedings at all meetings and shall prepare and circulate minutes thereof to member Associations within 30 days of the meeting being held.
    3. The President of the CISF, or any other Committee member nominated by him in writing, shall preside as Chairman of any meeting of the Executive Committee.
    4. Each member of the Executive Committee shall have the right to record one vote upon any matter which is put to the vote at any meeting of the Executive Committee provided that there are equal numbers of representatives from each Island.  If there are unequal numbers then the balance must be re-established by members from the majority Island refraining from voting. In the event of an equality of votes then the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
    5. A quorum shall be equal numbers of Committee members and at least 2 from each Island.
    6. Executive Committee Members may appoint a nominee, at the discretion of the President, from their respective Association or Organisation, to attend a Committee Meeting in their place, as long as such notification is made to the President at least two days before the meeting.
    1. The Annual General Meeting of the CISF shall be held no later than the 31st December in each year and may be of the form agreed for Committee meetings.
    2. Right to attend the AGM rests with
  2. (i)       The President of each member Association affiliated to the CISF or in his absence an elected member of that Association who can be accompanied by another two persons at most, who must be members of that Association.
  3. (ii)      The members of the Executive Committee
  4. (iii)     The Patron and Honorary Members of the CISF
  5. Each CISF affiliated Association shall have one vote (or some other number that may be agreed at an AGM) and the CISF President shall have the casting vote.  The numbers of members shall be adjusted so that there are equal numbers voting on behalf of each Island.
  6. Notice convening the AGM of the CISF shall be given by the Secretary in writing 30 days before the meeting.
  7. The following items shall be considered at each AGM of the CISF:-
  8. (i)       Notice convening the meeting
  9. (ii)      The President’s Report
  10. (iii)     The Secretary’s Report
  11. (iv)    The Treasurer’s Report and presentation of the balance sheet, profit and loss account, and/or income and expenditure of the CISF.
  12. (v)     The Technical Director’s Report
  13. (vi)    The Chairman’s Report
  14. (vii)   Constitution amendments, if any, provided that they comply with the requirements of 5 a.
  15. (viii)  Notification of any changes to the member Associations representatives on the Executive Committee
  16. (ix)    Any other business which has been requested to be put on the Agenda, in writing, at least 30 days prior to the AGM of CISF by any member Association.
  17. All motions debated must be passed by a simple majority.
  18. The quorum for holding the AGM of the CISF shall be equal numbers of representatives and at least 3 from each Island.
    1. The minutes of the AGM will be registered in the book and copies sent, together with a copy of the CISF accounts to each member Association and Executive Committee member within 30 days of the AGM
    1. A Special General Meeting of the CISF shall be convened by the President when required to do so by the Executive Committee or on receipt of a written request from one of the members Associations.
    2. 10 days notice of any Special General Meeting of the CISF shall be given to all Executive Committee members.
    3. The rules relating to voting at Special General Meetings shall be the same as specified for voting at Annual General Meetings.
    1. The Executive Committee shall have the power to do or cause to be done, all things necessary for the proper implementation of the objects of the CISF and in particular:-
  2. –        It may appoint sub-committees to examine specific issues and to make recommendations
  3. –        It shall lay down the conduct appertaining to the Channel Island Surfing Championships and any other CISF Events and shall prescribe:-
  4. (i)       The financial and organisation responsibilities of the host Island.
  5. (ii)      The maximum number of competitors that shall compete
  6. (iii)     Team sizes and member bodies
  7. (iv)    Requirements for amateur status and Channel Island representation.
  8. (v)     Entry fees for competitors and how and when and to whom such fees, if any, shall be payable
  9. (vi)    Rules of competition and judging procedures
  10. (vii)   Any other conditions which in its sole discretion the Executive Committee may deem fit.
    1. The Constitution may only be changed at the Annual General Meeting of the CISF by the proposals from the Executive Committee, or by proposals made by one member Association of the CISF and such amendments must be supported by the majority of voting members at the AGM.  Proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be included in the Agenda as provided in section 10 a. hereof.
    2. The dissolution of the CISF may only be carried out at a Special General Meeting of the CISF.  Such meeting shall be convened in terms of the provision of section 10 f. hereof and any vote to dissolve the CISF shall be approved by a two-thirds majority of members present.  If the proposal to dissolve the CISF fails then a further meeting may not be called until the expiry of a period of 60 days.
    3. When a motion of dissolution is passed the members present at such Special General Meeting shall designate 2 delegates to liquidate the accounts of the CISF.  Both delegates shall be members of the Executive Committee of the CISF.  The members present shall decide on the disposal of the assets of the CISF in any manner they deem fit as long as it is to the equal benefit of Surfing in the two Bailiwicks.